International Conference on Conflict Mitigation, Dialogue, and Reconciliation in Syria: Call for Papers and Participation

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), the institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR) at the Lebanese American University (LAU) in collaboration with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) are organizing a two-day peer-reviewed conference at the Lebanese American University - Beirut to address conflict mitigation, dialogue, and reconciliation strategies in Syria. The conference aims to map comparative models in identity-conflict societies with particular attention given to power sharing arrangements, local initiatives, and the role of non-state actors and religious leadership. Innovative approaches to conflict mitigation and peace-building through dialogue, deliberation, education, mediation, reparations, and transitional justice within the Syrian context are of primary interest.
We welcome papers that focus on the conceptual as well as comparative practical framework of successful reconciliation strategies applicable to Syria. Papers and presentations that address the role of religious and local leaders, institutions, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) in promoting reconciliation are highly encouraged. Demonstration of reconciliation experiences from the region that showcase initiatives taken by local leaders, including tribal and civic in promoting reconciliation are also encouraged to participate. Presentations will be recorded for social media broadcasting purposes. Selected papers and documented practices will be published in a special volume.
The conference will be held from 17-18 November 2016.
To participate:
Please submit a short abstract along with your institutional affiliation, short bio, and contact information to the peer review committee on [email protected] by June 30, 2016. Showcases and full paper submission deadline is September 15, 2016. There are limited travel grants available through USIP and KAICIID. Please express your interest to receive travel fund when submitting your abstract. There are no conference registration fees.
A preliminary conference schedule and more information are available here:
For more information, please contact:
Lebanese American University
Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution
P.O. Box 13-5053 Chouran
Beirut, Lebanon 2801
Phone Number: +961 1 786456; Ext: 1494
Fax number +961-1-867-098.
email: [email protected]
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