KAICIID Fellows Programme Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a teacher at an institution teaching religious studies to apply for the Fellows Programme?
Educators from academic religious institutions, especially those institutions training religious leaders are a high priority for the programme, and therefore have an advantage in applying to the programme.
However, this is not a prerequisite for acceptance to the programme. Several Fellows have been selected from diverse backgrounds based on demonstrated ability to contribute to advancing Interreligious Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation in their institutions and communities.
What if I have substantial experience in facilitating dialogue or I work in my personal capacity as a trainer? Can I still participate in the Fellows Programme?
Yes, you may apply for the Programme. Applicants from academic religious institutions have priority, Fellows are selected from civil society, non-governmental organizations or private sector backgrounds as well.
Is there any difference between the International and Regional Fellows Programmes?
There is no difference between the International and Regional Fellows programmes in terms of the design and the content of the trainings. The major difference between the programmes is the geographical range from which the participating Fellows are drawn.
The International Fellows Programme includes Fellows from different parts of the world, while the Regional Fellows are drawn from their respective regions. The Arab region Fellows Programme is unique because trainings are only conducted in the Arabic language. Applicants should carefully consider their goals, networking preferences and linguistic abilities before deciding which programme to apply to.
May I apply for the Fellows International Programme if I have participated in one of the Fellows Regional Programmes and vice versa?
Although you can apply for the international and the regional programmes simultaneously, you cannot participate in two programmes, either simultaneously or in successive years. Once you have been accepted into a programme (either international or regional) it is not possible to participate in the other. This is because there is no substantial difference between the International and Regional Fellows programmes in terms of the design and the content of the trainings, and to give the opportunity of participation to as many practitioners as possible. Once you have graduated from the programme you are automatically accepted into the KAICIID Fellows Network alumni.
May I apply again if my first application was not accepted?
What are some examples of initiatives that other Fellows have done through the KAICIID Fellows Program?
Current and previous fellows have been and are developing and implementing diverse initiatives including: training workshops and courses and study programmes for students, conferences, roundtables, curricula for interreligious dialogue programmes, educational tours of religious sites, research, publications, and documentary films.
Are there any fees or stipends involved in the Fellows Programme?
No, there are no fees for participating in the Fellows Programme. In addition, KAICIID covers all the expenses of the Programme related to travel and accommodation and provides the Fellows with a small grant to implement their initiatives.
Is there a salary or remuneration for the Fellows?
No, there is no salary or honorarium for the Fellows. However, KAICIID covers all expenses of the Programme related to travel and accommodation and provides the Fellows with a small grant to implement their initiatives.
What is the next step after completing the one-year Programme?
Upon completion of the programme, each Fellow will receive a certificate of completion confirming that he or she is a KAICIID Fellow. Graduating Fellows also become part of the growing KAICIID Fellows Network (KFN). Fellows alumni use the KFN to stay connected to each other and to KAICIID. The network offers further networking opportunities, online trainings, access to online materials, micro-grants, invitations to conferences and other activities.
Should you require any further information or have other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]