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The Joint Learning Initiative Faith & Local Communities (JLI)

The Joint Learning Initative (JLI) is an international collaboration which develops and communicates evidence on local faith actors’ roles and contributions to sustainable development and humanitarian action, including community health and wellbeing. An open source, non-partisan knowledge sharing platform for all sectors, JLI seeks to engage religious and faith-based groups to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By enhancing their capacities, the initiative strives for excellence in evidence, communications, and advocacy through effective partnerships with public sector and secular entities, and among religious groups themselves.

KAICIID and JLI have regularly collaborated on learning exchanges, webinars, online course materials and other resources for both organizations’ knowledge platforms. JLI has also worked closely with KAICIID through membership in PaRD and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development.

Additionally, JLI has provided research support and has collaborated with KAICIID on several events and projects through PaRD and the UN. KAICIID joined JLI as a Board Member in 2017.