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University for Peace (UPEACE)

The University for Peace (UPEACE) is an institution of higher education dedicated to the study of peace, created by UN General Assembly Resolution 35/55.

In 2019, the KAICIID E-Learning programme and UPEACE formed a consortium with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), the National Muslim Council of Liberia (NMCL), and the Institut Superior de Ciències Religioses de Barcelona (ISCREB) on online resources which engage religious actors on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2020, KAICIID and UPEACE signed a Memorandum of Understanding, partnering on knowledge development and dissemination. The two organizations are dedicated to the promotion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence, particularly through the development of knowledge tools and resources.