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In order to ensure effective inclusion and participation, KAICIID believes organizations need to build the capacity of people seeking refuge to approach integration proactively and from a position of empowerment, equipped with dialogue skills.

To support these efforts, Project Integration through Dialogue and partners designed a 13-module interactive dialogue course, which introduces participants to topics such as health services, opportunities for further education and their new legal rights framework, as well as art and culture. Although the sessions are focused on familiarising participants with integration in Austria, the lessons and techniques are easily adaptable for universal use in organizations and government programmes across the globe. The Toolkit consists of a Handbook, as well as two supplements: Activity Materials and Sample Information Handouts, which are available for free download in both English and German on the KAICIID website. 

This Activity Manual is meant to be used in conjunction with the Project Integration through Dialogue's main Handbook, and not as a stand alone text.