Statement from the Secretary General

04 May 2023

Dr. Zuhair Alharthi, Secretary General of the International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID commends our Council of Party member – the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – for their intervention in Sudan to ensure the safe evacuation of diplomats, officials and citizens of multiple countries last week.

The intervention exemplifies the values we hold at KAICIID – multilateral social cohesion building and conflict resolution initiatives. I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the Kingdom’s humanitarian initiative and continued commitment to peace, cooperation, and stability in the region.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a founding member of the International Dialogue Centre – KAICIID along with the Holy See.

KAICIID’s Africa Programme

KAICIID's Africa programme has been operating in the Central African Republic since 2015, providing technical support to the Platform for the Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue in the Central African Republic (PCRC), the main dialogue platform in the country.

The program is planning expansion across the border between the Central African Republic and Sudan - connecting religious leaders on both sides to unite efforts and achieve sustainable peace. This is now an especially urgent priority for KAICIID given the spillover effects caused by the current conflict in Sudan.

Learn more about our Africa programme: /what-we-do/our-work-central-african-republic