Rev. Richard J. Sudworth Joins the KAICIID Board of Directors

29 May 2020

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) is honoured to welcome Rev. Richard J. Sudworth to its multifaith Board of Directors. Rev. Sudworth succeeds the distinguished Rev. Mark Poulson, also from the Church of England, who served on the Board until 2019.  

The KAICIID Board includes representatives from the five major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. Current Board Members include Dr. Hamad Al-Majed, Dr. Kezevino Aram, His Eminence Cardinal Miguel Ayuso, His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel, Reverend Kosho Niwano, Sheikh Ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, Chief Rabbi David Rosen and Dr. Mohammad Sammak.

Rev. Sudworth was appointed Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury and National Inter Religious Affairs Advisor in September 2018. Previously, he worked in the inner city ministry of the Diocese of Birmingham for 15 years. He commenced his interfaith journey as a Church Mission Society (CMS) mission partner in North Africa and then as a curate and parish priest in multifaith settings.

Rev. Sudworth holds a doctorate in Christian-Muslim Relations from Heythrop College University of London and is the author of articles and publications on Christian-Islam relations including Distinctly Welcoming: Christian Presence in a Multifaith Society and Encountering Islam: Christian-Muslim Relations in the Public Square.