KAICIID BoD Condemns Church Attack in Burkina Faso

04 December 2019

At least 14 worshippers have been killed and more injured after gunmen attacked a church in Hantoukoura, Eastern Burkina Faso on Sunday.  The attack follows the murder of 15 Muslims during Friday Prayers in Salmossi in October and other attacks on worshippers in a country that until relatively recently was known for a degree of interreligious harmony.  The multireligious Board of KAICIID issued the following statement in response to the attack:

“We condemn this attack on worshippers in Burkina Faso and extend heartfelt sympathies to the families and loved ones of the dead and injured.  We reiterate that no religion justifies the murder of innocents.  Targeting worshippers on the basis of their faith is an appalling act.  Abusing religion to justify such acts is totally without foundation.  The major religions affirm that God is above all, a God of Peace and that followers are called to embrace the values of acceptance and tolerance.”