KAICIID Produces New, Free Toolkit to Support Successful Long-term Integration in Europe

13 May 2019

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) has produced a new Toolkit designed to support the successful long-term integration of people seeking refuge in Europe. The toolkit provides organizations working with refugees with the resources to replicate a 13-module interactive course on dialogue, which teaches people seeking refuge to approach their integration process proactively and from a place of empowerment. 

KAICIID has worked with leading partners in Austria, such as Caritas Vienna, Human Relief and Red Cross Vienna, to fill the gaps in integration and address the needs of their clients.  

While many efforts to date have focused on integrating refugees and migrants into the labour market, KAICIID’s one-year pilot project, called Project Integration through Dialogue, works to integrate newcomers into all aspects of their host country – using dialogue skills to help them understand their new legal rights framework, learn a new language and engage with their host country’s culture.

The project’s four dialogue facilitators, all of whom come from migrant backgrounds and have successfully integrated into Austria, worked to implement dialogue sessions in accommodation centres across Vienna in combination with certified German classes. After completion of the project, over 80% of the initial 160 project participants reported an increased understanding of Austrian institutions and cultures.

“Our aim is for all institutions working on refugee integration to adopt the language of dialogue in their own work,” said Johannes Langer, Manager of KAICIID’s Programme for the Social Inclusion of People Seeking Refuge in Europe. “These dialogue sessions have been specifically designed to address the needs of our partners and to ensure improved inclusion and participation during the integration process.”

“Dialogue is essential for effective long-term integration of people seeking refuge in Europe,” said Elisabeth Palugyay, representative of the Austrian Red Cross. “Project Integration through Dialogue and the Toolkit are fantastic examples of supporting humanitarian organizations in their daily work”.

Although the content was developed for project participants in Austria, each of the modules can be easily adapted for universal use.

The Toolkit comprises the following three resources:

  • A Handbook which includes a facilitation guide, project methodology, and module design.
  • Activity Materials which include interactive games to reinforce learning objectives from each of the modules
  • Sample Handouts which provide a list of resources on topics such as health services, help for abuse, and training and education opportunities.  

The entire Toolkit is available for free download from the KAICIID website in both English and German.