Metropolitan Hilarion of Russian Orthodox Church Briefed on KAICIID’s Work to Promote Social Cohesion

09 July 2018

MOSCOW: Metropolitan Emmanuel of the KAICIID Board of Directors and Director General, Fahad Abualnasr today met with Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchates Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, to present KAICIID’s work in promoting dialogue and social cohesion. They discussed KAICIID’s programmes, including the Centre’s work with youth, and the interreligious dialogue platforms that the Centre supports in the Arab Region, the Central African Republic, Myanmar and Nigeria.


Metropolitan Hilarion expressed his support for KAICIID’s programmes, and their relevance for the field of interreligious dialogue. He also described the initiatives of the Russian Orthodox Church to promote interreligious dialogue both regionally and globally. 


Potential synergies and opportunities for cooperation between the two institutions, such as through the Centre’s International Fellows Programme, were also discussed during the productive meeting.